Curious how we became the fiction industry's leading experts?


In 2008, a couple years after the birth of my third child, I got absolutely hooked on Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. Whatever you may think about the quality of those books, the fact is, it pulled in billions of readers - some of whom didn't even like reading.

What's really funny is that when I first started reading it, I had no idea what it was supposed to be about. A friend had given me a copy and I didn't even read the back blurb. In fact, in that infamous scene where Edward is first in class with Bella and is acting all weird, I thought he had autism--because my son had autism. I remember thinking, "Oh! That's why my friend wanted me to read this. It's about a kid with autism."

In reality, it's about vampires, but that series is what shifted my reading preferences from literary fiction back to fantasy and paranormal books. I started devouring books like I was a kid again, and before long, I happened across another vampire series that, for me, was lacking. I had the arrogant thought, "If this can be published, then I can write a book and be published, too."

Wanting to write a book was nothing new to me. It'd been on my bucket list for years, and I'd tried (and given up) many times before. This time was different, though. I wrote the book in 6 weeks, and by time I was done, I had plans for 3 more, which then turned into 6 more.

I also had a steaming pile of garbage.

Over the next four years, I learned more about craft, workshopped my books in critique circles, got mentorship from Sol Stein and his sister, Toby Stein, and rewrote and revised the book many times over. I shopped it around with agents, to which I received a great response even from some pretty big name literary agents, though I didn't land any offers. I then participated in a site at the time run by Harper Collins, called Authonomy, where I rose to the top of the "slush pile" and got my book onto their editorial desk. While I didn't get a deal from them either, I received a very complimentary review stating, "I was really drawn in by the writing from the first instance. The voice is clear and easy-to-read; it's rare to see such natural flow and tempo from a debut author."

I finally decided to self publish, and so I found myself sitting in front of my laptop (an Alienware at the time, though I'm now a Macbook girly through and through), drowning in a sea of advice that everyone swore would make me the next big thing. The book launches, the Facebook ads, the courses from the so-called marketing "gurus" who promised the moon and delivered... well, not much of anything. Nothing worked. Not one thing. It felt like I was stuck in a never-ending loop of effort with no payoff.

I knew there had to be a better way. So, I decided to trust my gut and do what I do best: find patterns, see what others don't see—a skill I've had since my elementary years, which resulted in John Hopkins University doing a study of my brain in the 90's. In retrospect, I realize that this gave me an advantage others would never have, but I have used that to do good and help others. Before you can help others, though, you have to help yourself. (Ask your flight attendant next time you fly, and they'll tell you the same thing.)

So with really little else on my mind at the time other than how to get my own books to sell, I started experimenting, diving deep into how algorithms work on social media, Amazon, and other platforms where books are sold. I tested my theories, and suddenly, things started clicking. My sales took off. Word spread, and soon, author friends were knocking at my door, asking, "What’s your secret?"

That was the beginning of everything I do now. The turning point where I was finally able to confirm it wasn't just luck. At least, not outside being lucky to be born with a brain that sees patterns others don't see. I was able to show those patterns to my friends, though, and they were able to get the same results I was getting. Further, the more friends I helped, the more data I had, which means the more patterns I could see. Before long, we were turning thousand-dollar months into ten-thousand dollar months and then twenty and forty thousand dollar months.

We've found a repeatable process; however, the more people I helped, the less time I had for myself and my own books. That's when I realized that while I like writing books and the passive income they bring, I like helping others more. It's one thing to become a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling authors. Thousands have done it. But how many, outside of major publishing houses, have helped over 550 authors do it? I did that, and found it was so much more fulfilling than when I did it for myself. Hitting six figures with my books was an amazing feeling, but I found myself putting less and less time into my own career and more and more into everyone else's. For a while, I promised myself I would find balance, but eventually, I realized this was my calling; as much as I love writing, I love helping other authors make money with their writing even more.

Then 2020 happened.

Like everyone else, I felt the world shift under my feet. But instead of pulling back, I pushed forward. I knew we authors needed our book sales to be recession-proof. Hell, we needed to be inflation-proof. So, I doubled down, tested more theories, and found some game-changing strategies that no one else was talking about. Even as the pandemic knocked others down, our authors were thriving. Six and seven-figure careers became the new normal, happening at a speed that even we hadn't seen before (and that was with us having already taken the lead in the industry on getting those kind of results)! Our new methods were so unique that we were even able to offer a double money back guarantee that what we taught could not be found anywhere else. Truly, it was not possible to learn these methods to advertise your novel anywhere else because not only was no one teaching them, but no one else even knew about them!

That's because our approach isn’t about slapping a fresh coat of paint on old, tired methods. We dig deep into what really makes sales happen. It’s about building organic momentum, creating lasting brand loyalty, and doing it all in a way that gives authors their time back. No more endless social media posts. No more guesswork. Our data-driven strategies guarantee a positive ROI, so much so that we offer a money-back guarantee—because we know it works. And we have hundreds of success stories to prove it: from authors who are brand new that we've gotten to six figures to established authors who were already doing well and we scaled to seven figures, and everything in between.

Since 2020, my team has grown from a small handful of people to over fifty experts in the book marketing industry who all work together behind the scenes to make dreams a reality. Because at the end of the day, the most rewarding part of all of this for us is that we are helping authors create their legacies. They are retiring their spouses, paying for their kids' college, traveling to their dream destinations, and buying the home they've always wanted—all funded by their book royalties. And they didn't have to write the latest trends or compromise their voice or values to get there. They were able to write what they love, stay true to their brand, and still achieve success.

That’s our mission: to change lives, just like mine was changed.

You see, I wasn’t always where I am today...


After starting her adult life homeless, and living on government assistance, Rebecca Hamilton is no novice to having to pave her own way. 

She made the decision that something had to change, and what emerged from that decision was a whole new life.  

Today, Rebecca is celebrated by the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal as a bestselling author. And she is making more from her books in a year than most people make at their day job in four.

And, that was just her warmup.

Now, borrowing a dreamer’s vision and mixing it with the work ethic of a lioness, Rebecca Hamilton dares authors to imagine a life with no boundaries. 

Then, methodically, she trains them to acquire that life, using a simple formula that anyone who writes fiction can use. 

Creative writing and book marketing coach Rebecca Hamilton meets authors wherever they’re at professionally and gets them where they want to go. Among those who know her for her book advertising abilities, she's earned her the nickname "The Fair Admother," though her methods for achieving these incredible results come down to science, not sorcery.

A dedicated guide in the writing world, she is adored by both newbies and seasoned professionals alike because she offers a unique perspective and drive to the otherwise difficult to navigate, and savagely competitive, book publishing landscape. 

“I’m committed to seeing people I connect with succeed, and I do this through offering my own knowledge to fast track their careers.”

To date, she’s helped over 500 authors become bestsellers themselves and has taught hundreds more how to make between 6 - 7 figures a year writing fiction. 

The only question you have to ask now is… are you next?